
Staking is a decentralized application that provides users with an opportunity for earning rewards by locking tokens for some period of time. This solution is similar to depositing money in a bank account.

Product Value

Staking affects the stability and utility of cryptocurrency. It allows a project to temporarily decrease pressure on its order book. Staking maintains the market situation of the project as well as makes the token price more predictable and manageable.

Main idea

Project tokens become unavailable for use during a period of time in accordance with the Staking type. A user gets some reward tokens for this «freezing». Сonditions and types of staking are selected based on the project strategy.


We specialize in full-fledged Staking development. Our solutions are extremely flexible and we are able to make Staking that would be the most suitable for a customer’s request. There are following opportunities for customization:

$\color{ff4d00}\textsf{Flexible staking}$

There are no restrictions on the duration of staking. Any amount of tokens might be staked. Users may claim reward tokens or unstake all of them at any moment.

$\color{ff4d00}\textsf{Locked staking }$

Tokens are locked for a certain period of time. So, they can’t be unstaked until the scheduled date. Also, there is an opportunity to add a cooldown period. In this case, the claim function becomes unavailable for some period of time after each token withdrawal. A longer cool-down period gives higher APY. Thus, the solution stimulates users to hold the tokens as long as possible.

$\color{ff4d00}\textsf{Liquidity poll (LP) staking}$LP Staking is the usual Staking, but LP tokens are used here instead of project tokens. It is necessary to add a liquidity pair (usually stablecoin and project tokens) for getting LP tokens. Our LP Staking application allows users to add liquidity and stake LP tokens via one platform.




How Staking works

Overall, Staking consists of a front-end and a smart contract. The smart contract has two main functions: accept and send tokens. They are triggered when a user adds or claims tokens. In the case of LP staking, we have 2 smart contracts. The first smart contract is the same as in the usual Staking. The second smart contract provides functions for the purchase and selling of LP tokens through communication with DEX. Our product has all the necessary functions and a user should not leave Staking website for getting LP tokens.

Staking - scheme.png

How LP Staking works

LP Staking - scheme.png


Staking development takes no more than 1 week.